
The DevOps society #

Purpose #

This site is meant for me to document my emerging Cloud Journey and for others to get an overview on where I stand. The timeline below shows that the ride so far has been bumpy but I got some time to spend so things should get better from here.

The goal is to become AWS Solution Architect Professional certified to complement the AWS DevOps Professional certification I already own. This involves lots of theory so this site should provide the counter balance to keep in touch with reality. The roadmap below shows what should be materialized by the end of 2023.

So I’m looking forward to playing with tech and sharing my experiences.

You can reach me at: []( Some Pointers related to DevOps)

The Roadmap to revelation will appears to be something like this: #

  • purpose : about, content, roadmap
  • infrastructure : Cloud Infrastructure, Microservices and Workflow Automation
    • cms : This site is a serverless setup, managed by AWS Pipelines (AWS)
    • refarc : Generic Development workflow managed by Azure DevOps (Azure)
  • architecture : Implementing Cloud Services
    • streams : dataflows within the Cloud
    • IoT : about the garden getting pumped
    • ai/ml : implementing the OpenAI framework
  • blog : other stuff worth materializing (miscellaneous)
    • workstation : setting up a Linux workstation to support my daily workflow (Declarative: Ansible or Nixos)
    • etl : Using python to turn data to information
    • rebase : cloud journey starting with git expanding into other overarching technologies

Points in time: #

  • 16-01-2023: Journey started, got running.
  • 17-01-2023: Implementing https using Cloudfront, added a mail address for reaching out.
  • 18-01-2023: Setting up github, github organization (elft-net), Azure subscription
  • 18-01-2023: Exploring Azure, getting hooked.
  • 19-01-2023: Starting AzurefromScratch project
  • 19-01-2023: Fixed issue: build crashed, site didn’t get updated
  • 20-01-2023: Finished creating lab2 (storage), starting lab 3
  • 20-01-2023: Finished creating lab3 (terraform), still need to investigate 3-tier Azure setup
  • 26-03-2023: AWS Code Pipeline for site breaks, Yarn key expired, Fixing . . . . .
  • 27-03-2023: Reignite Azure interest (while openAI is hosted on Azure)
  • 15-05-2023: Initialized RebaseSeries starting with git
  • 20-08-2023: Continuing my journey, site reset to level-1
  • 21-08-2023: Started AWS Solution Architect - Professional track: